Plastic Bottles

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With the endorsement of our adept and seasoned professionals, we are engaged in offering Pet Plastic Bottles. Our offered bottles are available in customized shapes & sizes. The given bottles are manufactured by using top quality plastic & advance techniques keeping in mind the market guidelines. Our patrons can avail these bottles in proper packaging in bulk order.


  • Crack resistance
  • Durability
  • Light weight

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The highly advanced state-of-the-art infrastructural facility at SLV Pet Industries, has been laced with all the necessary machinery and equipment, which facilitates the attainment of a number of the firm’s predefined goals and targets. The facility up-graded on a highly regular basis, helps us in attaining a better position in the market. Further, the facility has been parted into a number of highly operational units, in order to attain smoother and effective management of the firm’s operations. Our huge client base is owed to our highly ethical work practices.